Monday, 4 November 2013

Burnt Offering

Oh it’s been one of those days. Everything that could go did go wrong. So to try to salvage something of the day and not start November with a complete and utter fail, I thought I’d use the next hour I have to wait before I can do anything to the (probably failed) peptides I have (not) managed to make today writing something interesting. On the plus side, I get a witty title out of it- let’s view this as an offering to the Gods of Science to get them back on my side so that they will make my experiments work again! It’s worth a try.

As I am in the lab, I thought that I would take something lab-related as my inspiration, so today I will be focussing on the all-out baddy and the compound we all love to hate, acrylamide. You may be familiar with the name due to the abundance of articles in the press about how bad burnt/roasted/cooked food is for you and how it will give you cancer. I know about it because my lab uses acrylamide on a day-to-day basis to make things called SDS PAGE gels. SDS PAGE stands for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis and is an incredibly clever and useful technique used to separate proteins. So it’s not really a complete baddy. It’s just all about context.

Let’s start with the good side of acrylamide: PAGE. PAGE is a fantastic technique and has lots of applications. Basically, a gel made from polymerised acrylamide (lots of molecules of acrylamide joined together to make a large structure) is made between two glass plates. Samples of protein which have been denatured using various chemicals and heating are loaded into wells in the top of the plate and a charge is applied across the plate so that the top is negatively charged and the bottom is positively charged. The denatured protein is negatively charged, so moves towards the bottom of the plate. The size of the protein determines how far it moves through the gel, so it will be deposited as a band at a particular point on the gel, which will show up in a rather fetching shade of blue when stained with a special protein stain. If you also load a reference mixture with pre-stained proteins of known molecular weight, you can compare the protein you are investigating to the reference and see what molecular weight your protein is, whether your samples contain a mixture of protein and if you have what you want. Which is great. Plus the gels can look really pretty. Usually prettier than this:

 So far so useful. But what about the bad side? And how is this related to food? I promise that there is a point, which I will be getting to rather shortly. As in now. Acrylamide is really blooming toxic. It’s a neurotoxin, which means it affects the nervous system and disrupts major signalling pathways in the body which really aren't meant to be disrupted. We aren't allowed to use it as a powder in the lab in case we inhale it and die. It’s less toxic as a liquid and when it’s part of a gel (unless you decide that to eat it) and we all have to treat it with care and follow all of the excellent safety procedures we have in place for using it to avoid nasty accidents.

Unfortunately, as I alluded to in the introduction to this post, acrylamide is practically everywhere in the world of food. It is made due to the oxidation of the amino acid asparagine, which occurs at high temperatures1 and is found in foods which are high in starch and, according to the Food Standards Agency, baked, fried, grilled or roasted2. So basically all cooked foods. Yay.

The risk was first identified by scientists in Sweden in the late 1990s and prompted an enormous number of studies, reviews and comment in both the scientific literature and standard press. If you type “acrylamide food” into PubMed you get 1009 hits and it’s not surprising. Acrylamide was already known to cause cancer in mice and so had been classified as a possible human carcinogen3. The way in which it is proposed to cause damage is by being metabolised to form an epoxide called glycidamide, which is a very reactive species containing oxygen in a three-membered ring. Epoxides are generally bad news in the body, as they react with DNA. This can cause problems with the regulation of cell replication and lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation, which is one of the key features of cancer. A very clever study by the Swedish scientists4 made use of the fact that acrylamide also binds to the N-terminal amino acid valine (ie. nitrogen-containing end) in haemoglobin to form an adduct called CEV (N-(2-carbamoylethyl)-valine, which allows background levels of acrylamide in the body to be assessed. The team fed some rats a diet which was high in fried foods and had a control group of rats fed on a diet of unfried food. They found much higher levels (almost 10-fold) of CEV in the rats fed on a fried diet than those in the control group, meaning that fried foods did seem to be causing increased levels of acrylamide in the body. A later study in 2002 by Rosen et al found high levels of acrylamide in foods such as crisps, bread and cereals5. Since then, the major culprits have commonly been found to be bread, fried potato products, baked goods and coffee. How upsetting.

However, there is no need to panic yet! Lots of agencies, including the WHO, European Commission and European Food Safety Authority have been working on this for some time and have been developing codes of practice and better knowledge about acrylamide levels in food. Right now, all they recommend is that acrylamide levels in processed foods be as low as possible, and that when you are making chips or toast you make them as pale as acceptably possible to reduce acrylamide levels2-the burnt stuff is particularly bad (see title!).  Which is no fun, but probably worthwhile. A lot of work is being done to make more sense of the link between acrylamide and cancer, as the data so far is unclear6. It’s fair to say that enjoying a balanced diet and minimising your intake of starchy fried goods can be no bad thing, but right now the jury is out on just how much acrylamide is safe to consume without increasing the risk of cancer. I'm not trying to preach here, not least because I am the first one to be found eating a chip butty with a cup of coffee on the side, but it is something to bear in mind.

I’m always fascinated by the dual personalities found in science. The everyday objects of the lab can be extremely harmful if treated without respect or if they turn up in significant amounts in the wrong place. The story of acrylamide, in particular, also shows that there are lots and lots of really clever scientists out there studying what we eat in minute detail and having a huge impact on public health. ‘Cooking a fry-up for rats’ may have sounded a little bit bonkers to a lot of people at the time, but the outcomes of the study have led to some really serious work and a much better understanding of how what we put in our mouths affects our bodies in a very real and sometimes quite scary way. There’s still work to be done on this and so much more. So get out there, all of you sciency people, and keep finding it out. Then let the rest of us know what you find.

Addendum: Monday 4th November. I checked my peptides-they didn't work. Even my really pretty interesting blog post (!) couldn't please the Science Gods. Apparently science doesn't work like that. Oh well, maybe next time…

1)      Tareke, E. et al, J Agric Food Chem. 2009,57(20):9730-3.
3)      Orellana, C. Lancet Oncol. 2002, 3(6):325.
4)      Tareke, E. et al. Chem Res Toxicol. 2000, 13 (6):517-22.
5)      Rosén, J. and    Hellenäs, K.E.  Analyst, 2002,127, 880-882
6)      Pedreschi, F. et al J Sci Food Agric. 2013 Aug 12. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.6349. [Epub ahead of print]